Well log analysis provides data on the hydrocarbon potential encountered in a wellbore. Well-logs, mud logs and cores obtained during drilling, along with the geology and field history form the starting point. This reservoir description can be augmented by well-tests and well-logs run after the wellbore has been cased with pipe and cemented.
Basic Log Analysis:
Historically, relationships of logging measurements to reservoir parameters have been well cataloged. Basic log analysis includes:
- Water saturation from resistivity logs
- Lithology and multi-mineral analysis
- Effective porosity and shale volume
- Pickett plots, capillary pressure height calculations
Beyond the Basics:
Along with basic analysis, we have in-house processes/capabilities for:
- Well-to-Well correlations, mapping and creating Geo-models
- Statistical- and Probabilistic-based well-log analysis
- Rock physics and mechanical properties
- Analysis of image logs
- Well-logging program development